Brave Hearts #6

jeri_devaleThe universe presents us with unlimited opportunities for health, wealth, and happiness.  If you haven’t claimed this for yourself…try saying daily I deserve Health, Wealth, and Happiness and it is ok and safe on all levels for me to receive it and enjoy it.  God/the universe/life presents us with daily opportunities for this even in the relationships that don’t work out….we can learn a lot about our choices through them, and then move in a different direction the direction of soul/spirit that will give us health, wealth, and happiness. Have a wonderful Day.  Now take a deep breath with me and breath out any resistance you have to health, wealth, and happiness.  Now take 5 or 6 more breaths and see yourself receiving health, wealth, and happiness and fully taking it in…now visualize the whole world coming in the health, wealth , and happiness.

Written by Jeri DeVale, Ph.D.- Holistic Psychotherapist

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