RE: The “We” of our Hearts

Dear Brave Souls,

Today is another day to explore our connectedness…our deep love for each other for if we all turn our attention to it…we can create a peaceful, harmonious, joyous life for all of us. Write letters about it, poems, songs, tv shows, operas, and films.  Love is the glue that keeps us together yet separates us enough we can see and talk with each other.  We are all connected In soul to each other and God.  We are not separate from God.  I will share a poem of mine.  Please write your own poem or song and send it to me so that I can post it here for all to share in the celebration of life.

The “We” of Our Hearts

By Dr. Jeri DeVale

Love exists everywhere and in all things

      Beyond the beyond

And all around

Centered inside of me

And repeated in all of Thee

Love is Always a “We”

It’s mind is One

It’s emotions are self-sacrifice

The willingness to step in front of a train

To save your child’s life.

To put others before you

The Physicality of it stretches

Across Universes through Hu-Man (God-man)

And all other Physical Forms

Loving in Action

Forcing my sacrifice

To die again and again

For the love of “WE”

For without Two

There is No one to See

Love’s Dance

Connected in the sparkle

Of a child’s eye

A cat’s grace

A dog’s loyalty

Our family ties

Our ego dies

To be born again

Moment to Moment

In a supreme Duet

Of Duality

Body and Soul

Mind and Spirit

You and Me

Light and Sound

That doubles infinitesimally

In the All

We never Fall

Hearts pounding

Love is Here

Its steady drum

Pulses On

Purring like a Cat

Soft currents of Energy

Smelling Sweeter than Sweet

Our Bodies die

Our Soul Body doesn’t

Living On

Singular yet Plural

The “We” of our Hearts

Married to each other

In Harmony

Singing Together

In the Forever

The Voice of God

Jeri DeVale, Ph.D.

RE: How having an open heart will help to Heal you

jeri_devaleDear Brave Souls,

Some people think that spirituality is an open heart…but it is much more than that.  You also have to have an open mind and assertively direct it to being a responsible co-creator with God/Holy spirit …and couple the open heart with and open mind and with the pure awareness of Soul/God.  This allows your spirit to soar…sometimes it is difficult to get there when you are hurting.   A great spiritual exercise to help this is for you to write about the nature of love…what do you think it is…how does it work in your life.  What are you willing to do for the sake of love…what are you willing to give up for it.  St. Francis wrote his famous poem about this…he was willing to give up all of his feelings of hatred, doubt, despair, darkness, sadness and all of his personal desires…that is why more than one religion claims him as their own. He is cherished by many different religions. Here is his famous poem as a reminder…try and write your own love poem, and send it on to me…so I can share it with everyone.

St. Francis Original Prayer for Peace, Healing, and Oneness

Lord, make me an instrument of your peace.

Where there is hatred, let me bring love.

Where there is injury, pardon.

Where there is doubt, bring your faith.

Where there is despair, hope

Where there is darkness, bring your light.

Where there is sadness, bring your joy.

Divine Master, grant that I may not seek to be consoled as to console.

Grant that I may not seek to be understood, as to understand.

Lord grant that I may not seek to be loved, as to love.

For it is in giving that we receive.

It is in pardoning that we are pardoned.

It is I dying to our False self that we are born to eternal life.

By St. Francis


jeri_devaleDear Brave Souls,

Are we willing to stop complaining and do something about the stalemate?  I suggest all of us take 3-5 minutes out of our day everyday to do a creative visualization where we send light and love to the president and the house and senate and all parts of government…and keep it up for at least 6 months.  Visualize white light going there while saying we send light for the highest good for all concerned that the deadlock end and that they see the importance of stopping their terrorist attack on each other. Not only do American people suffer but the world suffers from this fiasco. Then take another deep breath and send light to other terrorists and governments of the world that they also see the stupidity of holding other people hostage rather than work together to make constructive changes.  If enough of us do this it will make a difference.  Please tell your friends to do the same.  There is power in numbers.  Please also tell you friends to sign up to receive The Daily Awakener so that we can build this force for good.

Jeri DeVale, Ph.D.

How can we live in freedom?

jeri_devaleDear Brave Souls,

Mystics have talked for centuries about giving up your attachments to things to find freedom… like giving up the attachment to the way you think that life should be and instead focus on the beauty and the wonder of it as it is…to be in the now to be able to see the world without expectations…this takes a lot of practice……and what I have come to learn a great deal of faith in our connection to each other. We must feel this connection on a very deep level…and then we realize we are not alone, and our group consciousness can solve every problem if we work together for the highest good of all concerned. We must do spiritual exercises like meditation, but also do in addition to the more passive meditation…daily contemplation, and other active meditation throughout the day. I remember the film or book that said I never promised you a rose garden. However when we work together as spiritual beings with the same motive and intention to create peace, joy, well being and happiness and abundance to all life…any garden will be transformed into a rose garden. There are always thorns in a rose garden too..but they can just be reference points that more harmony in an area is needed. We must work together not as material objects and egos but as the spiritual beings we truly are. To do this we have to realize that who we are is a lot more than our thoughts and feelings and body…we must identify with who and what we really are a spiritual being connected to all life. A lot of emails along the way will talk about giving up our faulty belief systems that keep us stuck in greed and judgements that limit our life and create violence and conflict. The more we let go of our faulty belief systems the more we realize we are spiritual beings connected to each other…and start to feel this connection…this is the truth and power we are looking for. Power and prosperity and health and joy all reside in the power of unconditional love of ourselves and others coupled with the power of awareness. Governments will always fail and make mistake after mistake until they realize government itself is a spiritual being and it must serve the spiritual being with the attitude of looking out for the highest good of all concerned. They must stop living in ego and give up polarized thinking like who is right and who is wrong and stay focused on serving the whole in a way that is a win-win situation for everyone. Right now we have programs that serve the rich and the poor and the middle class is taking on the burden for everyone…without a strong and healthy middle class we will crumble…extremes in both parties serve the rich and the poor. Almost all religions talk about the middle way as being the healthiest way to stay in balance…extremism of any kind like terrorism causes nothing but violence and misery and absolutely no gain for anyone.

Jeri DeVale, Ph.D. – Psychologist

Dear Brave Souls

jeri_devaleMake your thinking multicolor.

Recently with a patient we were talking about how many things she dislikes and how it stops her from creating more abundance and opportunities in her life.  When I asked her to try and define her dislikes so that we could problem solve them…she couldn’t and bristled and said if I don’t like lima beans there is no reason for it….I just don’t like lima beans therefore I won’t eat them…I also don’t like doing this or that kind of job so I won’t do them even if it makes me homeless.  This very black and white thinking is often associated with people who are addicted to some kind of drugs but also just very defensive people in general.  We can certainly see the black and white thinking in congress that has our government stuck.  Each party thinks they are right…but reality is not absolute…we are always partly right and partly wrong…

So if you don’t like lima beans you can problem solve that in a way  you don’t have to obtain from eating it… You can put cheese sauce over it or olive oil and Italian herbs…you can make it an exciting thing of discovering how you can prepare lima beans in a way that it will actually taste delicious…You can also mix it with other vegetables etc ….This more creative type of thinking is adding more hues of color so reality isn’t black and white…but has shades of other colors mixed in it to have the most abundant life.

Jeri DeVale,Ph.D.

Dear Brave Souls

jeri_devaleRe:  Let Spirit Lead

Diana Nyad is a great inspiration to all of us.  She recenty at 64 years of age swam 53 hours from Cuba to Florida.  She tried 4 times before…the fourth time was at age 30 when stings from Jellyfish nearly killed her.   When asked how she did it, she said she kept instructing her spirit to find a way.  It was through her strength of spirit that she found the way.  All the doctors said at her age it was not advisable…and in fact thought it would be impossible for her physically to do this, but she is a spiritual warrior!!!

As a holistic psychotherapist I have been telling people to let spirit lead and learn to have continual conversations with your soul/spirit so that your body and personality communicate with soul in a way that they are kissing each other all day creating not only more joy and bliss but assisting us in completing our goals and realizing our dream. You can order my book to explore this further.

So today let us breath together 3 times and then let go while asking your spirit to lead the way saying….let us work together for the highest good of all concerned.  Tell spirit your intentions and goals and then listen and watch for spirit to send you an answer.  It may come in the form of a dream, a person, a book, or more directly even.  In one of my meditations I asked what did I need to do as all of my friends thought I was complicating my life by having so many projects going at the same time.  They wanted me to simplify my life.  All of a sudden there was a blackboard in front of my third eye when I closed my physical eyes with the words franz liszt….written on it.  He was wrote very complicated music and embraced it all…so the message was clear don’t back away from it…but embrace your complexities.  Listen to his music

Jeri DeVale, Ph.D.

Brave Souls

jeri_devaleHow to eliminate fear and anger.

Our last email we talked about how anger is a cloak-a cover feeling so we don’t have to feel the fear that is underneath it and then problem solve it. Now that you have made your list of everything you are angry about…take a look at each one and identify what is the fear underneath it. These are some of the most common fears:, Fear of being abandoned, fear of loss of love, fear if being smothered, fear of rejection, fear we are not good enough, fear of being punished, fear of abundance, fear of success, fear of failure…once you have identified these…then go back on the time tract sort of a quantum leaping and try to remember the first time in your life you felt rejected…what was the situation…see who all of the players are…now put on hand on your kidney where fear is stored and one on your forehead… take a deep breath see the players forgive them and yourself, take a deep breath and let go, now take another deep breath, and revisualize or reframe the picture to see yourself being victorious and being able to stand up for yourself. Every time you visualize you need to take a deep breath and let go. Let me hear from you how this works for you and send me your questions.

By Jeri DeVale, Ph.D.

Dear Brave Souls

jeri_devaleLove cannot exist where fear and anger is present.

If you want more love in your life you have to feel the love that is already there, and fear and anger drowns love out.   Anger is often a cover for fear so we don’t have to admit what we are afraid of…So take note this month and let me hear from you how it is going.  Keep a daily journal and write down every negative thought you are feeling.  Remember anger has subtle and sneaky ways of showing itself.   Are you feeling bored, or irritated, or annoyed…that is all anger….are you procrastinating in your life…that is a combo of fear and anger.  Once you have completed this task sort of a moral inventory…you can then learn how to problem solve this…in the meantime …remember to breathe and let go several times a day, and visualize love in the form of white light coming down through your body.  Once we can identify this anger and fear we are carrying we can then problem solve and resolve the issues.  More on this in the next few days.

Jeri DeVale, Ph.D.

Brave Hearts #7

jeri_devaleSteering for the Joy of Discovery We are never alone.  We can communicate all day in a way that we will experience more joy. This is to understand that all positive creation is a co-creation with your Soul.  You start with your personality or ego steering in a direction and then letting go and letting Souls send you the creations (new thoughts and feelings and awareness)  For instance, you communicate to your Soul that you want to see in your day the joy of discovery.  Then you go empty and wait and look in the direction of the joy of discovery and listen.   Soul/Spirit will send you joyful thoughts and feelings.   So your personality will be looking all day for this joyful discovery, and when you catch these joyful connections an “aha” happens…a mini enlightenment.  Then you send the ball back to soul with your next intention…another positive intention….you don’t want to focus on lack…if you make your next intention another positive one…like I would like to experience and see more love today…you will be looking for all the ways love is shown and experienced in the universe.  The day I asked to see this I saw my dog for the first time lick my cat and for over a year before this they just sort of put up with each other.  So you aren’t lonely anymore because you are involved in a process where you take steps of action that can help you live a peaceful life that no one can take away from you.

By Jeri DeVale, Ph.D. taken from

Kissing Our Way to Enlightenment:  Living in Freedom

Brave Hearts #6

jeri_devaleThe universe presents us with unlimited opportunities for health, wealth, and happiness.  If you haven’t claimed this for yourself…try saying daily I deserve Health, Wealth, and Happiness and it is ok and safe on all levels for me to receive it and enjoy it.  God/the universe/life presents us with daily opportunities for this even in the relationships that don’t work out….we can learn a lot about our choices through them, and then move in a different direction the direction of soul/spirit that will give us health, wealth, and happiness. Have a wonderful Day.  Now take a deep breath with me and breath out any resistance you have to health, wealth, and happiness.  Now take 5 or 6 more breaths and see yourself receiving health, wealth, and happiness and fully taking it in…now visualize the whole world coming in the health, wealth , and happiness.

Written by Jeri DeVale, Ph.D.- Holistic Psychotherapist