Brave Hearts # 4

jeri_devaleAs a licensed Marriage and Family Counselor for over 35 years, I can verify that  If you want both a happy and successful marriage…keeping your platform of observance clean and your purpose and intention clear is important so that both husband and wife are looking in the same direction for fulfillment.

I teach transcendence tools for marriages and families.  Here we need to change the platform of observance from expecting your spouse to be your source of supply to having your relationship be the source of supply…so rather than blame your spouse for not getting want you want…you can decide together that it is important to make agreements and honor your word and when the agreements don’t work you can re-negotiate a new agreement…you don’t have to be angry or resentful with each other or yourself.

Take a deep breath with me today and on the exhale let go of all negative feelings…now take 5 or 6 more breaths and visualize all of your family members and loved one and neighbors and the whole world coming into peace and harmony with each realizing that if there is friction it can be resolved to a win-win situation through communicating, collaborating, and negotiating mutually beneficial relationships.  See the world come into more balance with all of our relationships.

Jeri DeVale, Ph.D

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