Brave Hearts #5

jeri_devaleThe courage to be vulnerable and authentic with your spouse can transform your life as you accept and embrace yourself and others more.  You increase the intimacy in your life and make yourself also a better leader at work and for your children.  If you aren’t able to be vulnerable and authentic there is a place inside of you where you feel unworthy, and less than due to your striving for perfection believing you have to be perfect to get love and to win whatever prize you are after…Remember if you are feeling less than in any area you are feeling shame, and on some level will push intimacy and people away.  There are a few exceptions with this however…if you are living with a man or woman who has a psychotic character structure, even if they are not currently in a psychotic episode, or someone who is addicted to drugs, you can be hurt in more ways than one and you have to be more cautious with how vulnerable you can be. If this person seeks treatment and stays in treatment there is hope…but if they don’t…do not hesitate to leave or it will wear down your soul and cause you to get physical diseases and die younger than you need to.  We need to live with someone where we can be safe to be authentic.  We all have our strengths and weaknesses. Let’s celebrate them both as they both serve us.

Now take a deep breath with me and let out all of your worries and concerns on the exhale.  Take 5 or 6 more breaths and visualize yourself, and all of your loved ones, and now the whole world learning that authenticity serves us all.  We must love ourselves first to be able to love others…Amazingly so …we are usually harder on ourselves than on others.  Recognize it is ok to fail.  Making mistakes is just a reference point to look in another direction…forgive yourself and others and look in the direction of joy….so visualize the world getting this and focusing on joy and forgiveness.

Dr. Jeri DeVale – the institute of Healing Arts and

Brave Hearts # 4

jeri_devaleAs a licensed Marriage and Family Counselor for over 35 years, I can verify that  If you want both a happy and successful marriage…keeping your platform of observance clean and your purpose and intention clear is important so that both husband and wife are looking in the same direction for fulfillment.

I teach transcendence tools for marriages and families.  Here we need to change the platform of observance from expecting your spouse to be your source of supply to having your relationship be the source of supply…so rather than blame your spouse for not getting want you want…you can decide together that it is important to make agreements and honor your word and when the agreements don’t work you can re-negotiate a new agreement…you don’t have to be angry or resentful with each other or yourself.

Take a deep breath with me today and on the exhale let go of all negative feelings…now take 5 or 6 more breaths and visualize all of your family members and loved one and neighbors and the whole world coming into peace and harmony with each realizing that if there is friction it can be resolved to a win-win situation through communicating, collaborating, and negotiating mutually beneficial relationships.  See the world come into more balance with all of our relationships.

Jeri DeVale, Ph.D

brave hearts # 3 our passion for living


Today we are talking more on creating a platform of observance whose focus is on unconditional love.  There is a direct relationship between gratitude and unconditional love.  It forms a circuit.  Remember all life has soul/spirit consciousness.  God is in everything and everyone in fact in all that is.  Some mornings I wake up and have to warm up my engines for love, as I am feeling lack about something.   Some mornings I don’t feel the love inside of me so easily.  So now every morning I go out and have coffee near my palm trees.  Every morning I tell them how grateful I am that they are there to keep me company and how much I love them and appreciate them while I drink my coffee.  That I don’t feel alone because of them. One day to let me know they heard me a branch of the tree came around and caressed my face.  There was no wind that day and only one branch came forward what seems like an impossibility…but I felt the trees energy reaching out to me, and basically saying thank you…it is good to be seen and better yet to be appreciated.  So many people feel like the purpose of life is to be happy…but the purpose of life is like the beetle song.  Our innermost desire is the words of the beetle song and the purpose of why we are here…We are all saying

Hear me, see me, feel me, love me.  Our purpose is to be doing that for each other and all life.  It is not far from catechism days when they told us to know, love and serve God….so in this case it is hearing, seeing, feeling, loving all life as the divine spirit is in all of it.  And when we fulfill this purpose in life we are happy…so the happiness comes as a result of our honoring our purpose to give and receive love.

Hearing each other, seeing each other, feeling each other, and loving each other and all life.  When we say thank you….we are warming our energy up for loving.  Take a deep breath with me now and exhale all of your concerns….take 5 or 6 more deep breaths and visualize sending gratitude to yourself and the whole world and all that is.  Saying thank you…thank you…I see you, thank you, I hear you, thank you I feel you…thank you I love you.  When we do this for each other we fill ourselves up with love and feel happy. 

Jeri DeVale, Ph.D.

Spiritual Psychotherapist


Brave Hearts # 1

jeri_devaleIf you are reading this today pat yourself on the back for being a brave soul willing to change and grow and expand to the best person you can be and to becoming more and more aware and living in the highest consciousness you can realize for yourself, your loved ones and the world, helping yourself and humanity to heal and flourish in mutual co-operation.  Welcome to an exciting  journey of co discovery.  Here we will co-discover many, many things.  We learn to have our ego and personality talk with our soul so that they play and kiss and have fun together all day long….as we progress we realize we are a soul with a temporary body not a body with a soul.  This allows us to access both our past and future lives for wisdom and joy. You can check out my book by clicking here for further wisdom on these topics. Every email will start with this paragraph to remind you of our purpose.  One of the great keys to a meaningful life is living by purpose and intention.

You have to develop for your soul a platform of observance that is non-judgemental so that your heart and mind can be proactive not reactive and resistant.  To do that think of the great spirit or holy spirit or higher consciousness whatever you want to call the energy  that is greater than the sum of your parts as a river that is continually moving and changing….if you put on the breaks you dam the river up..if you give double messages the river gets confused and doesn’t know what direction you want it to flow in to help you achieve your goals.   The river and you are a team.  Changing is accepting that we have to accept continual change and be in alignment with this flow of spirit.  What are some signs that you aren’t going with the flow…if you are too demanding of yourself or others…if you have too many expectations for yourself and others…if you have physical illnesses, weak immune systems, allergies, and other physical diseases.  If your view of life is looking in the direction that it is all about you.  If you feel like a victim, criticize yourself….if you live in continual stress, frustration and anger.  If you insist that you should have a place to stand in the world. Take a deep breath with me right now and on the exhale let go of all of these demands.  Take another deep breath and focus your mind on sending love to yourself your loved ones and the whole world.  Keep breathing 5 or 6 more breaths while you visualize the world and all life being happier and at peace. The blessings are waiting for us to see and acknowledge them.  The blessings already are.  Have a great day…and if you find this helpful…encourage your friends to sign up…it is free.  We can meet in our hearts.

Jeri DeVale, Ph.D.